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Carl Zeiss Dagor — описание объектива

Carl Zeiss Dagor - описание объектива

Carl Zeiss Dagor - описание объектива

Симметричный двойной анастигмат,
универсальный объектив с большим углом зрения;
для карданных камер с длинными мехами;
задний компонент может быть использован, будучи диафрагмированнным, как телеобъектив.

Carl Zeiss Protar - описание объектива

Symmetrical double anastigmat,
a universal objective with a large field of view;
for folding stand cameras with long extension;
the back component can be used stopped down as a long focus lens.

Carl Zeiss Dagor - описание объектива

The Dagor F/6.8 is a symmetrical double anastigmat with a large image field. Its component halves can be used in the same way as the Protar lenses — see next section — as long focus lenses, although, in contradistinction to the Protars, they need to be considerably stopped down — more or less, according to the character of the photograph in question. The focal lengths of the separate components are equal to one another and about 75 % longer than the focal length of the complete objective. The Dagor (which is also supplied as a rapid wide angle lens with an aperture of F/9, see p. 14) was manufactured, until a few years ago, by Messrs. C. P. Goerz, of Berlin. Since the absorption of the Goerz factory into the Zeiss Ikon A. G. of Dresden, and the consequent cessation of the manufacture by them of photographic lenses, it has been produced by the Zeiss factory in Jena.

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